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RCR/Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari EX Parodi*Ban 2007 Special

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RCR/Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari EX Parodi*Ban 2007 Special Empty RCR/Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari EX Parodi*Ban 2007 Special

Post by IronJaguar Mon Apr 04, 2016 5:27 am

Official site you can download Parodi*Ban 2007 Special ips patch to apply to Japanese GBA Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari EX (Japanese River City Ransom EX):
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]  and click the purple trashcan.

Here's what I found in this version so far and my shop lists should be helpful.  Having the US RCREX cart is definitely helpful in knowing what the menus say.

Default setting changed: Enemies set to 20 instead of 10.
Enemies on screen can now be set to 1-8 rather than only 1-4.
Normal enemies use lots of new special techniques.
New areas, another whole town, many new secret shops.
New music (I like the Renegade/Kouha Kunio-kun music at additional school)
You start with higher stats and more techniques.
Got 40 additional techs so far & seen at least 17 more.
At least five old techs altered.
Instead of most bookstores being random selection of techs EX style, reverted to regular RCR/DNM
selection but a running hop kick and cheaper custom self and custom move added.
Normal shops no longer carry Bike Kick, Self Torpedo, and Slap Happy.
Killer Kick, Hyper Guard, Deadly shot all reduced from 15000 to 8000.
Altered Helicopter reduced from 10000 to 9000.
Custom Self (Red) reduced from 9990 to 100
Custom Move (normally Green) reduced from 990 to 10
Original secret shop no longer carries custom char, custom fit, narcishoes, phoenix wing, and Skaterz.
The shop also seems to restock every time even with Restock set to normal.
New rare weapons sometimes brought by light yellow gang: bicycle and metal cart/lawnmower
Someone's video of bicycle: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
New boss encounters in old areas.
Strange new boss fights:
KopiiRobo - Guantlet of most bosses and potential allies
Abobo & Rebobo
Kage (shadow bosses)
four of YamadaRobo/CyborgSlick
ToudouRobo/Cyborg Titus (haven't gotten to yet)
Haven't unlocked the doors marked by the white and black ovals yet.
The new secret shops named L001,L002, and L016 can be entered anytime.
The colored new secret shops have to be enabled (Got nB,dB, dBP, nP, dY, & pGy so far).
The blue dB shop of Godai's techs and yellow dY shop somehow became locked again on me.

Tutorial by by Gyula Doczy linked on this youtube video: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
But first of two tutorial images is shrunken making some text very hard to read.

Tried to follow the tutorial but apparently messed up by aqua("Eagles") secret boss not showing up before Mochizuki/"Turk."  The

tutorial doesn't say when you should fight Sawaguchi/"Moose"(first boss) at his second location or Kinoshita/"Blade" in "Sherman

Park.  I did change enemies per gang encounter from 20 to 10.  Not sure if it's ok to have a starting computer ally.

Increased selections with custom self
face: 120 to 132 (some replaced)
skincolor: 15 to 31 (some replaced)
hair: 120 to 132 (some replaced)
haircolor: still 15
uniform: still 47 (but at least #47 changed)
eyecolor: 7 to 15
Some new additions are inserted between the old ones so they don't match by number to regular EX.

The technique bookstores:

Nazonomise nB - Mystery Shop normalBlue - New secret shop at very beginning of game
90000 Maeda no tobigeri - Maeda's jump kick (flipping "Flying Kick"), hold B, A
20000 Akumu no tobigeri - Nightmare's jump kick - up, up
90000 Goddo panchi - God Punching (lunging) (Riki starts) - press A, B
85000 Oura panchi - Aura Punch - hold A (Koushin - Saotome)
85000 Oura inpakuto - Aura Inpakuto (lunge punch) - hold A, B
30000 Hariken kurasshu - Hurricane Crash(windmill) - With Stick, A
Having Oura inpakuto set to jump, jump will really save you against Abobo&Rebobo.

Nazonomise dB (darkBlue) - New secret shop behind Sushi sign in first town
90000 Bou supesharu - Bo Special (improved "Pulper") - down, down & move around
90000 Godai supesharu - Godai Special ("Bat Fang") - up, up
80000 Bousou sutikku - Bousou Stick (lunging stick without needing stick) - press A

First normal Shop
3000 Mahha panchi - Mach Punch (Riki starts) - A
3000 Mahha kikku - Mach Kick (Kunio starts) - B
5000 Sukuryuu - Screw/"Acro Circus" - run, jump
50 - Heibon kikku - Ordinary Kick (running hop kick) - run, B
100 Kasutamu kao zura - Custom Look/Countenance Shift ("Custom Self")
10 Kasutamu sousa - Custom Operation ("Custom Move")
Acro Circus has been reverted back to regular RCR/DNM style where it ends with the jump.

Nazonomise nP (normalPurple) - New secret shop under bridge between barrels -
99990 Auchi kikku - Ouchy Kick? (harder low kick) - press B
90000 Aku tou kikku - Evil Ten Kicks (mach low kick) - B
12000 Buumeran nage - Boomerang Throw - with weapon, hold B (Dodgeball)
60000 Tobitsuki W choppu - Jump Thrust Double Chop (running hop double chop) - run, A
Both those low kick attacks are weak.

Nazonomise L001 - New secret shop under other side of bridge in portopotty
10000 Sutanpu kikku - Stamp Kick (Baseball slide kick) - Run, up, up
20000 Hissatsudahou - Deadly Dahou (running baseball bat swing) - with stick, run, A
10000 Samaasoruto kikku - Somersault Kick - B
18000 Sukuryuu bomu - Screw Bomb (bowling throw) - lift enemy(B), quick tap B
16000 Buki furi mawashi - Weapon Fury Spin (lesser "pulper") - quick tap A
Somersault kick moves forward but isn't as powerful as Maedanotobigeri("Flying Kick")

Nazonomise dG (next to forested stone opening)
90000 Zutsukisupesharu - Zutsuki Special
90000 Heddobomu - Headbomb
90000 Shin·Hishougiri
80000 Hiengiri

Nazonomise L016 - New Secret Shop over garage
20000 Kaiten hiza otoshi - Revolving Knee Drop - quick tap B
30000 Kirimomizutsuki - spinning headbomb - jump, jump
32000 Goojasu appaa - Goojasu Upper (Riki starts) - hold A
32000 Hi sen kyaku - Sun Thousand Kicks - jump, quick tap B

Nazonomise - Mystery Shop ("Merlin's Mystery Shop") - Old Secret Shop under bridge
10 Kasutamu sousa - custom move
100 Kasutamu kao zura - custom self
1000 Sokuseki kuji - Instant Lottery
10000 Suraimukiraa - "Excalibur" - good stats (Get 9 to max out)
10000 Shiawase no botan - Happy Button ("Isis Scroll")(heart circle) - good stats (Get 2 to max out)
10000 Niji iro no hane - Rainbow Color Wing ("Rodan Wing")(winged red wand) good stats (Get 2 to max out)
20000 Meru hen no tsue - Strange Meru Cane ("Zeus' Wand")(winged yellow wand) good stats (Get 2 to max out)
20000 Uingu shuuzu - Wing Shoes ("Air Merc's") - high jump
20000 Roketto shuuzu - Rocket Shoes ("Rocketeers")
50000 Mahouno pantsu - Magic Pants
25000 Bane shuuzu - Spring Shoes ("Springlines")
25000 Rooraa shuuzu - Roller shoes ("Inlines")
4000 Ai no gamaguchi - Love's Gamaguchi ("Pandora's Box")(heart thing)  - More $$$
3000 Dokkun poizun - (red) Dokkun Poison ("Cough meds") - Will Power temporarily quadrupled, then down to red, then back to normal
2000 Bikibiki poizun - (green) Bikibiki Poison ("Hemlock") - Will Power temporarily doubled, then down to red, then back to normal
2000 Kimagure dorinku - (Yellow) Whimsical Drink ("Seraph Cola") - ?
2000 Interi megane - Interi Eyeglasses ("X-Ray Specs") - Will Power and Stamina
This shop only carries these in regular EX:
99990 Kasutamu kyara - Custom Char (Blue)
50000 Gentoi shuuzu - Gentoi Shoes ("Skaterz") - Attack
30000 Tenshi no hane - Angel's Wing ("Phoenix Wing") - jump
30000 Puremia shuuzu - Puremia Shoes ("Custom Fit") - jump, run
30000 Baania shuuzu - Baania Shoes ("Narcishoes") - jump, jump

Shop in next town
8000 Ningen doriru - Human Drill ("Top Spin") - down, down
9000 Anma supesharu - Massage Special ("Kickstand") - grab feet(A), up, up
4000 Sutonpingu - Stomping (improved "Fatal Steps") - down, down (anytime not just over downed enemy)
50 - Heibon kikku - run, B
100 Kasutamu kao zura - custom self
10 Kasutamu sousa - custom move

Nazonomise pGy (pale Green yellow? - looks light green) - behind small red 0 vendor machine in far right
25000 Suupaa kurasshu - Super Crash (running block crash) - Run, run (previously only on SharpX68000 version!)
99990 Hage furasshuu - Baldness Flash (pull off hair for sparkling headbutt for puny 1 damage) - Quick tap B
99990 Haagen kurasshu - Baldness Crash (pull off hair for windmill whip for puny 2 damage) - A

Nazonomise dY (darkYellow) - new secret shop in far left of town after abandoned warehouse
45000 Daburu appaa - Double Upper - run, up, up
11600 Deddoriiburou - hard gut punch - down, down
7700 Hebii doroppu - Heavy Drop (hard chop) - up, up
Daburuappaa only works good as a running move (needs momentum).

Next shop in town after abandoned warehouse
8000 Kyouretsu kikku - Intense/Stunning/Powerful Kick ("Killer Kick") - run, press B, A
7000 Jibun shuriken - Self Shuriken - run, down, down
6000 Mahha tataki - Mach Beating (weapon/"Grand Slam") - A
50 - Heibon kikku - run, B
100 Kasutamu kao zura - custom self
10 Kasutamu sousa - custom move
Killer Kick works good set to just B or jump, B.

Next shop in same town
8000 Hissatsu shuuto - "Deadly Shot"
8000 Haipaa gaado - Hyper Guard
8000 Ningen gyorai - Human torpedo/"Javelin Man"/Human Gyorai
50 - Heibon kikku - run, B
100 Kasutamu kao zura - custom self
10 Kasutamu sousa - custom move

New Shop in new town
7000 Supin nakkuru - Spin Knuckle - run, quick tap A
9000 Ningen heri - Human Heli/"Helicopter" - lift enemy(B), jump, jump
9000 Bakudan bodi - Bomb Body(running lunge) - run, up, up
100 Kasutamu kao zura - Custom self
10 Kasutamu sousa - Custom move
Bakudan bodi works great changed to just up, up

Nazonomise L002 - New Secret Shop in new town
18000 Mirakuruuepon - Miracle Weapon (not with chains) - down, down
10000 Jibun kaito - Self Revolution (jumping cartwheel)  - jump, jump
8000 Hissatsu jigoku tsuki - Deadly Hell Thrust punch - press A
16000 Hageshiitakkuru - FierceAttacker? (energy bash) - run, down, down
99990 Hofu ku zenshin - Full Void Entire Body (running swimming evasion) - run, up, up (seems rather useless)
Hageshiitakkuru only works good as a running move (needs momentum).

Nazonomise dR (next to saturated red awning in new town)
90000 Mahhachoppu - Mach Chop
99990 Shinsokunoyaiba
90000 Shinbatsunoyaiba
90000 Daisharinnage
99990 Guraidochoppu - Glide Chop
20000 Nootenchoppu G

Nazonomise nBP (normal Blue Purple) - Behind right gate of additional school
80000 Bakudan panchi - Bomb Punch/"Blow" - Hold A, B (Sugata/"Gary")
90000 Zanei kikku - Zany Kicks - press B, A (Kunio starts)
80000 Daburu choppu - Double Chop - Jump, A
80000 Shin bakudan panchi - True Bomb Punch - A (Koushin version of Sugata)
50000 Daburu choppu G - Double Chop G (ground) - Quick Tap A
80000 Bakutenbasutaa - "Slam Punk" - A when close

Nazonomise dPB (dark Purple Blue) - In unmarked wall left of area right after Sauna
70000 Fankii kikku - Funky Kick ("Jet Kick") - Press B
90000 Seoi supesharu - Shoulder Special ("Flip Throw") - B when close

Nazonomise BLA (Kage's Black Door)
25000 Jibun gyorai - Self torpedo
99990 Ryuujinken
99990 Dotou no tobigeri - Dotou's Jump Kick
99990 Nitoro supesharu - Nitro Special
99990 Easaafin
90000 Appaa sutoriimu

Doors past Abobo's white
Blue/LightBlue  Red/Pink/Gray  White  Yellow/Gold/DarkGold?  Green/Purple

Nazonomise YEL (Abobo's White Door, Gold/DarkGold door)
90000 Raijingu doragon
8000 Jibun Asshuku - Abobo's tiny ball transform (Compressor)
90000 Toripurupanchi
99990 Anazaawaarudo
55000 Meigokuzan

Nazonomise GRE (Abobo's White Door, Green door)
50000 Kiwanotsuke appaa
90000 Reezaachoppu
12000 Jibun heri
50000 Chutsugaeri kikku
90000 Shikoukyaku

(Have to meet some condition that two Cyborg Tituses and Matsudo are there in place
of three of the four Cyborg Slicks)
Nazonomise L256 (just right of door after beating YamadaRobo&ToudouRobo&Matsudo)
99990 Mahounopan2 - Magic Pants 2
99990 Yamadanojutsu - Yamada's Skill
99990 Shoutenpanchi
60000 Kiryokusuisui
90000 Doriruheddo - Drill Head
30000 Sukuryuu 2 - Screw 2 (EX "Acro Circus")

Kunio starting techs:
Mahha kikku - Mach Kick - B (can be bought)
Mahha kikku - Mach Kick - quick tap B (can be bought)
Mahha kikku 2 - Mach Kick 2 - press B
Supin kikku - Spin Kick - hold B
Zanei kikku - Zany Kicks (lunging lightning kick) - press B, A (can be bought)

Riki starting techs:
Mahha panchi - Mach Punch - A (can be bought)
Mahha panchi - Mach Punch - quick tap A (can be bought)
Mahha panchi2 - Mach Punch 2 - press A
Goojasu appaa - Goojasu Upper - hold A (can be bought)
Goddo panchi - God Punching (lunging) - press A, B (can be bought)

Have seen computer do but haven't gotten yet:
Drop kick with both feet (Abobo,Rebobo)
Bicycle wheelie without having the bicycle
Energy blade/machete
Energy Shoulder Bash
Fart Launch
SF Ken style Shoryuken
Abobo's tiny ball transform (Compressor?)
Lunging Bamboo Attack (Purple haired baseball pitcher)
Double stick escrima (Taira/"Mojo")
Running flying kick
Shadow extending headbutt (Kage)
Hop uppercut (Koushin - Ryuuji)
Spinning clothesline
Spinning clothesline into jumping uppercut
Horizontal spinning headbutt (Kage, Gouda/"Ivan")
Horizontal turned on side tornado kick (Dragon twins)
Quick Chain Windmill
Chain Spin (Kinoshita/"Blade")
Energy Palm (YamadaRobo)

Recommended techs for strange new boss fights (Abobo&Rebobo, Shadow Kage, the four Yamadas/Slicks)
Many set to different commands with custom move:
Guard - Hyper Guard
A - Aura Punch
quick tap A - Aura Punch
Press A - Goojasu Upper (Buy or Riki starts with it)
Jump, Jump - Aura inpakuto (will save you against Abobos)
Up, up - Bakudan bodi/Bomb Body(lunge)
or maybe replace that one with
Shin bakudan panchi/True Bomb Punch
A - mach weapon
quick tap A - mach weapon
If you started as Kunio, set Mach Kick 2 to quick tap B and Spin Kick to B.
Screw/"Acro Circus" might be a good choice and can be set to something like jump, down, down.
Maeda no tobigeri/"Flying Kick" set to a quicker command might be good.
Flip Throw or Slam Punk might be good.
Wing Shoes were needed to get in secret shop L016 but Aurainpakuto set to jump,jump also works.
Haven't gotten infinite jump ("Narcishoes") yet.

Most running techs aren't good against the 4 Kage, the 4 YamadaRobo, and Abobos,
since you only have about a screen width to fight them, and they can quick knock you
off screen or to your doom in an instant.  Screw/Acro Circus might be the only useful one.

Techs haven't gotten in this version yet:
25000 Jibun gyorai - Self "Torpedo" - Jump, A (Koushin)
Biggu bangu - Big Bang - When stunned, Up, Up (Sonokawa/"Conan")
Tame panchi - Waiting/Storing Punch  ("Charge it") - Hold A (Koushin - Nishimura/"Rocko")
15000 Hari te supesharu - flat hand Special ("Slap Happy") - Run, A (Nishimura/"Rocko")
Debiru cheen - Devil Chain ("Chain Chump") - Down, Down (Kinoshita/"Blade")
 Debir ucheen now quickly drains stamina and will power!
Nitoro atakku - Nitro Attack("Nitro Port") - Run, Run (Mochizuki/"Turk")
Kasoku otoshi - Acceleration Drop ("Speed Drop") - Jump, Up, Up (Hayasaka/"Jesse")
Guraido choppu - Glide Chop - Jump, Up, Up (Kobayashi/"Thor")
Zutsu ki supesharu - Headache Feeling Special ("Headbutt") - Run, Press B (Gouda/"Ivan")
Heddobomu - Headbomb - Hold B (Gouda/"Ivan")
Daisharin nage - Big Wheel Throw - A to grab feet, Hold B (Onizuka has)
20000 Muei kyaku - "Bike Kick" - Run, B (Dragon Twins)
Ranpuu kyaku - "Twin Kick" - Jump, B (Dragon Twins)
Bakuma kyaku - "Dragon Knee" - Press B, A (Koushin - Ryuuichi/"Randy"/Brown)
Tenchitsuken - Heaven Earth ? Fist/"God Fist" - Press A, B (Koushin - Ryuuji/"Andy"/Blond)
Yamada no jutsu - Yamada's Skill ("Slick Trick") - Up, Up (Yamada/"Slick")

My old tech guide that needs to be updated for this edition:
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Questionable translations:

Auchi Kikku - Ouchy/Arch Kick
Aku tou Kikku - Evil ten/pagoda/tower/group/toe Kicks
Akutou Kikku - Vice Kicks
Hissatsu - "Deadly"
Buku furi mawashi - Weapon  Fury/Free  Spin/Turn/Wind/Roundhouse
Kiri mo mizu tsuki - Fog/Mist Mourning Water Thrust (Spinning Headbomb)
Goojasuappaa - Five Victor/King Nest/Den/Super Upper
Hi sen kyaku - Sun/Fire/Light Thousand Kicks
Gen toi shuuzu - Place Distant/Far Shoes ("Skaterz")
Haagen Kurasshu - Baldness Crash (Hage is Baldness)
Jibun kaito - Self Revolution (jumping cartwheel)(Kaiten is Revolving)
Hageshiitakkuru - FierceAttacker? (energy bash)(Hageshii is Fierce)
Hofu ku zenshin - Full/Abundant Void Entire Body
Hofuku zenshin - Revenge/Retaliation Entire Body   (running swimming evasion)
Zanei kikku - Zany Kicks
Tame panchi - Waiting/Storing Punch  ("Charge it")
Hari te supesharu - hand/means/way/kind/type Special ("Slap Happy")
The Technos Samurai translation of the Famicom Jidaigeki calls it "Slap Special"
Hari is hand (of clock/watch/dial) / needle / pin.
Haritaosu is knock down.
Some flat hand martial arts terms are Hira or Hirai-te.
Zutsu ki supesharu - Headache Feeling Special ("Headbutt")
Gyorai - Line Thunder / "Torpedo"
Tenchitsuken - Heaven Earth ? Fist / Heaven (censored) Fist / "God Fist"

No idea:
Deddoriiborou (hard gut punch)
Bakutenbasutaa ("Slam Punk")

According to Martial Arts & Books:
Tsuki - Fist-thrust attack
Ken - Fist
Tobi - jump
Geri - Kick
Tobi-geri - Jump kick
Mawashi-geri - Roundhouse kick
Hira - Flat
Hiraken - Flat fist
Hirai-te - Sweeping block
Nage - Throw
Otoshi - Throwing Down  or  Drop
Seoi Nage - Shoulder Throw
Jutsu - Art/Skill
Chi - Earth
Sui - Water
Ka - Fire
Fu - Wind
Ku - Void  or  Nine
Ten - Heaven
Tenchijin - Heaven-Earth-Human / the Universe / Holistic

Last edited by IronJaguar on Sat Apr 30, 2016 9:04 pm; edited 9 times in total

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Age : 107
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RCR/Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari EX Parodi*Ban 2007 Special Empty Re: RCR/Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari EX Parodi*Ban 2007 Special

Post by IronJaguar Wed Apr 06, 2016 1:24 am

My .sgm save states and .sav for Visual Boy Advance CE:

Copy and paste link cause it gets turned into some adfly bullcrap when I try to post it as clickable.

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Age : 107
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RCR/Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari EX Parodi*Ban 2007 Special Empty Re: RCR/Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari EX Parodi*Ban 2007 Special

Post by Sorinkun Wed Apr 06, 2016 12:38 pm

Awesome work! I still cannot understand how to fight shadow guy tho...

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RCR/Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari EX Parodi*Ban 2007 Special Empty Re: RCR/Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari EX Parodi*Ban 2007 Special

Post by IronJaguar Fri Apr 08, 2016 1:35 am

You're welcome.  The single shadow guy that talks and disappears is named Kage, same as the four you fight in the other room.  But I got it to the point where a huge onslaught of regular bosses comes out after he disappears. Unfortunately Gouda/Ivan is on my side, so when he comes out, avoid everyone until the other bosses beat him or you won't be able to finish the guantlet and go into the room with four of Yamada/Slick.

This should also be a help.  I retaught myself Hiragana and learned Katakana (but didn't need that for this).  And it's still a help to me.

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Pasted together shots of the River City Ransom EX's menus and some translated stuff to help us play this Japanese version.

With my save state with your ally on a bicycle as well it would be good to go to the Strategy screen and set Weapon to Use (press left twice from the default random). Then he shouldn't throw it away.

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Age : 107
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RCR/Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari EX Parodi*Ban 2007 Special Empty Re: RCR/Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari EX Parodi*Ban 2007 Special

Post by Danger X Sat Apr 09, 2016 12:45 pm

IronJaguar do you have skype or facebook I wanna talk more with ya
Danger X
Danger X

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RCR/Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari EX Parodi*Ban 2007 Special Empty Re: RCR/Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari EX Parodi*Ban 2007 Special

Post by Sorinkun Sat Apr 09, 2016 12:48 pm

You're really helpful dude! I'll try to pass the game on Crazy so that I can fight him.

Mkidz should have released an eng. patch.

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RCR/Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari EX Parodi*Ban 2007 Special Empty Re: RCR/Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari EX Parodi*Ban 2007 Special

Post by IronJaguar Sun Apr 10, 2016 6:43 pm

I've been editing the first post on this topic as I find out more stuff and to make things more accurate.  I played through the regular Japanese EX just to get custom char and see the names of techs and stuff I haven't gotten in 2007 Parodi Ban yet.  In my photobucket I updated the rcrcustom and rcrhiragana pics.  Looking at my old technique guide I realized that Fatal Steps(Sutonpingu) was actually missing from regular RCREX and Parodi brings it back.

Here's a bunch of stuff to help figure out how to unlock secret shops...

Tutorial image transcription attempt - Question marks for words I couldn't make out due to shrunken text.!T9BA0ISC!Js86X-XlpRFvDL1bLsDpJW2hlvjIisg8paDeEySWZ9I
Tutorial by Gyula Doczy

You mustn't have any member on your team except your custom character!
Your reputation and saved character ???? doesn't affect which shop you ????!
You must follow the game order ?? like this ???? "game progress" because if you do in other way I couldn't guarantee your success!

Game progress


Kamijou/"Benny" & Yamamoto/"Clyde" -> nP (shop normal Purple unlocked)

Nishimura/"Rocko" -> pRP (shop pale Red Purple unlocked)

(Not shown in tutorial!: What about Sawaguchi/"Moose" second location outside garage and Kinoshita/"Blade" in "Sherman Park"???)

pale Orange gang("Dragons")(beat once this team)+their red haired secret boss -> (shop pale Orange Unlocked)

aqua gang with long chains ("Eagles")(beat once this team)+their secret boss -> (shop dark Silver Blue unlocked)


brown gang("Squids)(beat 5? times this team)+Taira/"Mojo" -> (shop dark Orange unlocked)


Pictures of Kumada/"Ted" & Himada/"Rex"(red hair) (make them appear or ??? the red haired guy) -> (shop dark Purple Blue unlocked)

dark green gang("Internationals")(beat this team 3 or 4? 5 or 6? times)+Gouda/"Ivan" -> pic of shop dark Green

(Not mentioned in tutorial but don't answer third choice to Gouda's question before fighting him or
he goes against Dragon Twins and probably messes this up aside from making Guantlet awkward where he has
to be beaten by enemies while you won't be able to attack him).

dark red gang("Plague")(beat 4 times this team)+Onizuka/"Otis" -> (shop dark Red unlocked)

dark blue gang("Cowboys")(beat 4 times this team)+Godai/"Tex" -> (shop dark Blue unlocked)

gray gang("Mob")(beat 4 times this team)+Dragon Twins -> (shop normal Gray unlocked)

Second tutorial image:

Random extras

light blue("Generic Dudes")(beat this team once!) -> pic of shop pSB (pale Silver Blue?)

pale blue("Rejects")(beat this team 3 times!) -> pic of shop pB (pale Blue)

magenta("Gamerz")(beat this team 3 times!) -> pic of shop dRP (dark Red Purple?)

To unlock Abobo's white door!

If you seen my first tutorial you have to open the following shops:

dG dR dB

AFTER you open them go and beat Abobo's ONE TIME! If you beat them before unlocked the
3 shops the white door will never open!

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River city ransom ex 2007 - How to open black door

Tutorial write by Gyula Doczy special thanks to him

1. Start a new games

2. Go only with Kunio ( or your custom characters )

3. Go unlock shop DRP DSB NY

4. Beat shadow one time

5. Black door should open

ATTENTION : If want unlock DSB you must defeat Kazaoka and blue gang 4 times. To make Kazaoka appear make your hp low like in video he should appear.

DRP shop beat Purple gang 4 times

NY shop beat Yellow ( golden ) 4 times

7:30 DSB shop next to spa

14:17 DRP shop far right? of really long new area

24:21 NY shop in vendor machine, far left, second part of last? town

Sorry for many mistakes i make in video Razz i forgot change defense setting and to find those yellow ( golden ) is hard good luck to you guys Very Happy

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Tutorial write by Gyula Doczy special thanks to him without him we dont know how to unlock this door

In the video you will see me why i keep kill those gang .. because you need unlock DG ( Dark green ) DR ( Dark red ) DB ( Dark Blue )

If want unlock DG you need beat green gang 4 times and then kill the boss !

DR shop beat red gang 4 times and then kill the boss

DB shop beat blue team 4 times and then kill the boss

5:38 location of DG shop forested entrance with stone slabs

11:18 location of DR shop next to saturated red awning

17:10 location of DB shop behind restaurant sign in first town

Unlock three shop above will unlock the door

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WDO Part 1 - How to Open Shop dG
WDO - White Door Open video tutorial part 1 for RCREX 2007

Important! -- START A NEW GAME!
Beat all the bosses until you reach Ivan. Then go and beat the gang which wears the dark green outfit. And beat ONLY them. At least 2 times. Wonder what does dG means? darkGreen! The color is the key!

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WDO part 2 - How to open shop dR
If you completed succesfully the WDO part 1 video then follow this turorial. Shop dR means darkRed! You need to beat the dark red gang. At least 2 times.

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WDO part 3 - How to open shop dB
All right only this shop left. If you successfully completed WDO part 2 video tutorial then follow this. You need to open shop dB which means darkBlue! You should know the rest... Smile

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RCREX 2007 - Abobos white door opened!
I found the way to open it! Tutorial soon! Smile

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RCREX 2007 - Black door opened!
And finally i could open this door. Very Happy

Posts : 11
Join date : 2016-03-27
Age : 107
Location : Merlin's Mystery Shop

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RCR/Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari EX Parodi*Ban 2007 Special Empty Re: RCR/Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari EX Parodi*Ban 2007 Special

Post by IronJaguar Mon Apr 11, 2016 4:15 am

New Visual Boy Advance CE save game and states

Rename the files to be the same base file name as your rom if they don't match.

The save states (*#.sgm):
Mr.Marsh and Riki saves both have over 1,225,000 Yen each in these three states
All reasonably close to the same time.
2 - both on bikes
6 - At pGy shop of WTF
10 - Most recent - just you on bike in nBP shop
Unfortunately both dB and dY shops are locked again and didn't get Godai's techs from dB

Since I didn't open the shops I needed to, Abobo's white door won't open.
I recommend doing this:
Load state 10.
Modify whatever char to your liking.
Go beat Yamada/"Slick" at his normal location to end the game.
Wait til it finally asks to save a while after the ending screen.
Start a new game loading whatever character.
Possibly run into a wall 128 times to make sure you start with max reputation.
Try to beat the right sequence of gangs & bosses to open all the secret shops.
When asked a question by anyone, choose the third choice, unless it's Gouda/"Ivan" in which case choose the first choice before fighting, so no one joins your team or sides with you.
Not sure if starting with a computer ally disables opening Abobo's white door?

Posts : 11
Join date : 2016-03-27
Age : 107
Location : Merlin's Mystery Shop

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RCR/Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari EX Parodi*Ban 2007 Special Empty Re: RCR/Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari EX Parodi*Ban 2007 Special

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